I am trying to get setup accessing the API. I have a test account setup with multiple test clients setup within the account.
I am following the steps as outlined in the docs (FreeAgent Developer Dashboard) to try and get an access token and access a company’s data.
When trying to access the company using (we are using the production url to try and access our company):
GET https://api.freeagent.com/v2/company
x-Subdomain: limitedcompanydemo1
I get the response: ‘Api acess is disabled for this company’. And therefore I am unable to access the data.
I have had a search for this error and have found people suggesting to ‘Settings > Api & Feeds > Click enable access’.
However, when I try and do this, there is no Api & Feeds section in the client settings as shown in the image below:
I thought it could be the ‘Connections’ area and ‘Approved Applications’ however it does not seem I have access to this potentially as my user is an accountant with full access rather than the client themselves.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!