The redirect URI is invalid for this app Error

Hi, I am getting the following error ‘The redirect URI is invalid for this app. Please get in touch with the author of the application you’re trying to approve’.

I cannot determine what I am doing incorrectly, I have set the URI in my MyApp, as seen from the attached image, my URL that creates the error after I login is as follows:

Can someone please help me get the correct URI in my app.

URL of my app being test is http://localhost/Freeagent-PHP-master/contacts.php

I have even tried adding wildcards in MYApp URI approval.


Can you please advise what URI is require is myApp and what URI is required for redirection after approval. Thanks in advance

You have to put the same URI in the freeagent developer hub and your redirection URL parameter. the URL you should give with ports also
URL should be like this : http://localhost:8090/accounts/tasks/import/freeagent.php