Sandbox Testing

Recently we have started having issues with our Sandbox testing account for our Integration with yourselves, When we try to save details on any contact we get redirected to a 404 see below.

Because of this I have tried creating a secondary sandbox account to test with. On authentication with FreeAgent I am getting the following .

Sorry, there’s been a problem
This app is only for accountants. Please get in touch with the author of the application you’re trying to approve.

Is this to do with the way in which the sandbox account has been created.

Hi AMDevTeam,

Welcome to our API forum! Unfortunately, without more detail I’m not sure I can tell why your sandbox account is redirecting you to that 404 page. Could you send an example of one of the requests you’re trying to make that is resulting in this?

Regarding the secondary sandbox account you are trying to setup; the error message that you’ve sent looks like you are trying to authorise your integration via a standard, client-facing FreeAgent account, rather than a Practice Dashboard. Integrations setup to use the “Accountancy Practice API” are termed “practice enabled” and must be authorised by an account manager through a practice dashboard account. If this is what you have doing, and are still seeing this error, please let me know!

Kind regards,
Andrew Rodger

Support Engineer

An example would be updating an account owner first name.
Bellow is an example of the payload being sent.

_method: patch
authenticity_token: GyWOGMhSvMCTVpVxKeV43gL0PauYFbYMZNejwY5VNgPjFmdMzWAMD09HDAoxTWk7eE2vGP8jJcBryMHtrHt_qA
company[id]: 2183
company[name]: Cave Tours
company[subdomain]: caves
company_display_type: UK Limited Company
company[accountancy_practice_status]: Active Licence
company[exclude_from_bulk_payroll]: disabled
company[account_owner_attributes][first_name]: George
company[account_owner_attributes][last_name]: Neverfield
company[account_owner_attributes][id]: 2861
pending_setup_complete?: true
company[account_owner_attributes][id]: 2861
company[account_owner_attributes][permission_level]: 7
company[account_owner_attributes][id]: 2861
company[account_manager_id]: 39
submitter: commit

The path this request is being sent to is.

The status code being returned is 404.
This happens for updating any field on any contact

Hi Team

Thanks for sending over that request information. Looking at those details, I think you are sending the requests to the wrong the URL. /practice_dashboard/companies/2183 is not a URL within our API. If you want to send a request to update a User you will need to send this to the /users/ endpoint.

As you are a creating a practice enabled integration, you will need to specify the company you are trying to edit in the request headers. This documentation explains how to set the headers correctly to do this.

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you continue to see these 404 errors.
Kind regards,
Andrew Rodger
Support Engineer

Hi Andrew,
The call being made in from within a FreeAgent Sandbox account not from our system.
Unfortunately because I’m a new user I am not able to upload a video that would show the issue.
Within our FreeAgent Sandbox account I am going into a Client, I then select to edit client details. If I change any data e.g. first name under Account Owner and click Update Client the FreeAgent Sandbox account redirects me to a 404 and the data is not updated.

Hi Team,

Really sorry I misunderstood your post. I’ve had a dig through our Sandbox logs and found the 404 errors you’ve been seeing in your Practice Dashboard UI. I’ve investigated this and I think the error has been caused by a missing data migration on our Sandbox environment. I’ve run this now, so I am hopeful that it will have fixed your issue. Could you please try editing a client company again to see whether this has been fixed?

Andrew Rodger
Support Engineer

Hi Andrew,

I’ve Just checked the account and all seems to be working as expected now.
Thank you for your help.