Running Total in Dividends

Hello :wave: Apologies if this isn’t the correct place for this feature request, I know this is more about the API.

I find myself comparing dividend amounts across tax years quite often in the My Money > Dividends section. I do this by manually adding up the amounts to see how much I’ve withdrawn compared to a previous year. I thought that a Running Total/Balance figure might be a useful fourth column on the page to make that comparison easier. I’ve hacked up a Greasemonkey script to do it, so no worries if it’s not on the roadmap.

Shane Drury

Hi Shane :wave:

Welcome to our API forum! Thank you for your post.

This does indeed sound like it’s a feature request for the main application rather than the API. The best way to raise this kind of feature request is to get in touch with our Support team at, and they will be able to raise that feature request for you.

Many thanks!