I am currently hitting the rate limiting quite often and have had to slow down the request rate, however if some new filtering ability was added then number of requests required could be reduced significantly.
Return all Projects by User and date range (Projects that a user has logged time against)
Currently to get this information i have to download all Timeslips for the User and selected date range and then derive a unique list of Project Urls, then make individual API calls the get the details of each project using the list of Project Url’s
I could just download all the projects first and then match them up, but that could be a large project list and include many that i don’t need to know about and with a maximum page size of 100 could result in more requests than currently needed when getting the projects one by one. Just getting active Projects would not help as i would still need the Project info if time was logged within that date range before it was made inactive.
Return all Tasks by User and date range (Tasks that a user has logged time against)
Currently to get this information i have to download all Timeslips for the User and selected date range and then derive a unique list of Project Urls, then make individual API calls to get the lists of tasks for each Project using the list of Project Url’s
Again, I could just download all the tasks first and then match them up, but that could be a very large task list and include many that i don’t need to know about and with a maximum page size of 100 could result in more requests than currently needed when getting the tasks lists per project
Projects and tasks can’t be filtered by date range, that would not really help though because a project which was created a long time ago and still active could have recent time logged against it.
Return all Users by Project and date range (Users that have logged time against a Project)
Currently to get this information i have to download all Timeslips for the Project and selected date range and then derive a unique list of User Urls, then make individual API calls to get the details of each User using the list of User Url’s. I could download all the users first, but this could be a big list still.
I think this additional filtering ability could be beneficial for other API users who want to show which Projects and Tasks that a FreeAgent User has logged time against in a given date range and also which Users have logged time against a Project in a given date range.
I really don’t want to have to start caching the data.