Hi, Is there a way of getting monthly Profit and Loss through APIs?
Hi Alex,
Thank you for your question! Yes there is a way you can get monthly Profit and Loss through the API. If you take a look at our documentation for Profit and Loss, you can see there are two attributes: from
and to
which you can use to input specific dates. These dates are set to the current accounting period by default, but if you pass in your own dates, those will be used instead.
An example query would be GET https://api.freeagent.com/v2/accounting/profit_and_loss/summary?from=2021-09-01&to=2021-09-30
I hope this helps!
Kind regards,
HI Katie, on your documentation it says ‘The profit and loss for the current accounting period.’ How do you get the historical beyond current accounting period? or has the documentation not been updated?
Hi Alex,
Unfortunately the information I provided to you in my last reply was incorrect. After looking into it a bit more and talking to the relevant team, I have found that you are only able to get back the current accounting period from the API, and you are unable to retrieve data from historical periods. I apologise for any confusion caused by my previous reply.
Kind regards,
ok. when are you guys planning to make it possbile to retrieving historical monthly Profit and Loss? i saw some threads asking for the feature 8 years ago. is it going to happen anytime soon?
Hi Alex,
As with the Balance sheet report API feature you asked about, we do not currently have an expected time for this to be implemented. I will raise this with the relevant team to upvote that feature request.
Kind regards,
Hello Alex_Lu
I know your original message was posted a while back, but just in case you or anyone else returns to this thread, I wanted to let you know that we now support a date parameterised Profit and Loss report via the API. You can find the docs here .
Please do let us know if you use the new endpoint and anything doesn’t work as expected.
Stu McEwan,
Senior Product Manager, Practice Growth