My clients will reject an invoice if there isn’t a purchase order visible.
On the invoice templates, there are two issues.
First, the PO number is tucked under “other information” - whereas this is essential information for many big organisation to pay it. I would rather it was nearer the top and clearer.
Second, it just used the abbreviation “PO” - with more and more organisations using machine learning to crawl invoices for data, using the full word “Purchase Order” would be better.
Would it be possible to update the templates to the PO was clear at the top of the invoice, right under the invoice number, and use the word Purchase Order?
This would reduce the number of invoices rejected.
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Hi there 
Thanks again for reaching out. I can see how having the Purchase Order information being presented in the ways you suggest could be useful.
I’ve logged this as a feature request for you, which means this will get triaged by the correct team for consideration in due course.
Best regards,
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+1 from me!
It’s rather important info.
Has anything happened on this subject? I also need to work with Purchase Order numbers in a clear format but can’t find a solution for this. Anyone got any advice/recommendations/solutions?
It’s six months since I started this thread.
From my limited knowledge of programming, changing the template would mean moving the field from one place to another, and changing the word from “PO” to “purchase order”.
Would estimate not more than half an hour’s time, even with testing.
A feature request they could tick off the list, and make sure we get paid.
I’m still adding a comment with “Purchase Order” and manually putting in the number.
That’s not good is it? Businesses need support when it comes to cash in the bank and if the system can’t raise a basic function in business then we don’t have a lot of hope do we?!!
Can I ask what you do to get to the point of doing what you do? I have dropped down from Xero to save cash and I don’t think it’s going to save me anything!!
I left KashFlow to move to FreeAgent soley because it was Free through NatWest.
There’s a lot I like about FreeAgent - the bank import/reconciliation is great.
At least they have a PO field, Xero doesn’t even have a field you have to do it manually.
No, Xero does have a Purchase Order field and it synchronises with payments from the bank feed.
I’ve just signed up for a free trial of an integration to Free Agent called Apprual. Will cost me £8 pm so I am adding costs again!! 
Hi all,
Thanks for your messages on this thread- it’s really valuable to hear from users directly so your feedback is appreciated. I just wanted to pop in and reassure you that this is being considered as a product feature. I know it’s been a long time since it was initially raised, but we do get a good number of feature requests that have to be reviewed individually so sometimes it can take a little longer. They are reviewed by our product team as well as Engineers, as we have to evaluate whether it’s a change that suits everyone.
I fed it back to the team about the issues this PO field is causing (re. the automated scanning and the location meaning it’s potentially overlooked), and they will consider this in their prioritisation- if it’s causing issues with people getting paid then this is a higher priority than a regular feature request.
Thanks again for raising it and we’ll keep you posted 