Is it possible to discover locked periods via the API?

I can’t see a way but I thought I’d ask: is it possible to discover whether a particular date is in a locked period?

It would be nice to be able to find out so my app can avoid offering in the UI to update FreeAgent in some way which isn’t possible.

Right now it’s a case of catching the error when the API call fails, and telling the user the action failed, which kind of makes it look like my app is at fault :wink:

Many thanks,
Andrew Stewart

Hi Andrew :wave:

James from FreeAgent here.

I’m afraid I don’t think there is a way to check if a date is within a locked period.

Currently, I can see we support checking bank transaction explanations and sales tax periods to see if they are locked and you can return the reason for them being locked but I appreciate there are more examples where this would be useful.

I’ve logged a feature request to add a dedicated endpoint for checking locked periods as well as extending the is_locked and locked_reason attributes to further endpoints which should get triaged by the relevant team in due course.

Thank you for reaching out!

All the best,


Thanks James, that’s good to know!