Get contacts last updates since

+1 for this featureOn Tuesday, January 15, 2013 5:20:27 PM UTC, wrote:

Just wondering if it was possible to GET all the contacts that have been
updated since a certain date/time?

This will save me (and you) having to go through all the contacts on every
sync rather than just the ones that have been updated.


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Currently there is no way to specify an updated_at date/time parameter when
getting contacts.

One thing you could do is look at the Etag header in the response and check
that against the previous Etag for that particular request.
If these match, then no data has changed and you don’t need to iterate over
the received contacts. You will still have to request all the pages
and check/store the received Etag for each of these requests though.

IoanOn Tuesday, 15 January 2013 17:20:27 UTC, wrote:

Just wondering if it was possible to GET all the contacts that have been
updated since a certain date/time?

This will save me (and you) having to go through all the contacts on every
sync rather than just the ones that have been updated.
