Error Message : The app is only for accounatants

Hi Team,

One of our client facing below issue while connecting to freeagent

Note : The app is only for accountants

Can you please check and confirm once on this

Thanks in advance

Hi Team,

Any update on above

Waiting for your reply

Thanks in advance

Hi Sindhu :wave:

This error message appears when you have a practice enabled app. When this is the case, only Account Manager type users can access your app and if regular User type users try to access your app, this particular error message is shown.

Potentially, your client may have multiple accounts so please double check with them that they are using the credentials associated with their practice dashboard.



HI Team,

Thanks for your reply

We need to import trailblance for both Accountmanager and client type users

Can you please confirm how it possible


HI Team,

Any update on above

We need to import trailblance for both Accountmanager and client type users

Can you please confirm how it possible
