Error message : Sub Domain required and not provided

HI Team,

We are importing the trailabalnces from freeganet with out providing any subdomain but for one of our client we received the below issue

Error : Sub Domain required and not provided

Is it mandatory to send SubDomain while importing trail balance?

Can you please check and confirm any issue form our end

Thanks in advance

Hi Team,

Good morning

Any update on above

Thanks in advance

Hi Team,

Any update on above,waiting for your reply

HI Team,

Any update on abaove

Hello :wave:,

Just to double check, you’re trying to access the trial balance APIs described in these docs, right? FreeAgent Trial Balance API docs

From what I can tell, these APIs always need a subdomain to be set, so that they know which company to fetch the trial balances from.

The subdomain can be set depending on the kind of App you created in the Dev Dashboard. If you ticked the “Enable Accountancy Practice API” checkbox as described in the Accountancy Practice API documentation, then you might have to pass in the subdomain of the company you want to export from as a HTTP header.

There’s information on how to do this in the Accountancy Practice API documentation, under the heading " Making API requests on behalf of clients".

I do hope this helps.

Many thanks,

HI Team,

Thanks for your reply

I am trying to pass the subdomain in the trail balance API ,still its not working

can you please confirm whether it is correct or not

If not please let us know where to pass Subdomain

Thanks in adavance



Thanks for the reply. That does look like the correct way to pass the subdomain in when authenticated as an account manager.

It would be great to get a few more details so that we could look into this further. As this is a public forum, would you be so kind as to email with your account details and reference to this post, so that we could try to get to the bottom of this.

Many thanks,

Hi Team,

Can you please provide the practice dashbaord url so that i can update the reole and test in sandbox environment

Note : please let me know the login details to connect with practice dashboard

HI Team,

Any update on above

Waiting for your reply

Thanks in advance

Hi Sindhu,

I will message you directly about this.
