Cannot connect to FreeAgent using


I’m using FreeAgent and building Apps for a client who we work for.

My intention is to use to create invoices from our client’s CRM (BIGIN) using Make.

I’ve signed up for a FreeAgent sandbox account completing all the setup stages as directed within this article.

I’ve now got my OAuth credentials having created a new app. In Make, I’ve added a new FreeAgent module (create contact) and tried making a connection. The Make Login dialog has then asked for my login details which I’ve then entered (using those from the sandbox account above).

This throws an error saying ‘The email and password you entered were incorrect’.

What’s going wrong and how do I overcome this?


When initiating authorising the app in Google OAuth playground, I don’t get an error about username and password, but I do get an error stating the redirect URI is invalid for this app.

I’m using:

OAuth flow: server-side
Endpoints: custom
Authorisation endpoint: Log in to your FreeAgent account
Token endpoint:
Access token location: Auth header w/ bearer prefix
Client ID & Secret have been entered

Hello there,

Apologies for not getting back to you sooner.

We’ve taken a look at this, and we think it might be that you haven’t registered the redirect_uri that you’re using to compose the authorisation request. You can register the redirect_uri in the developer dashboard, as indicated in our documentation, by going to the developer dashboard > My Apps > Edit App

I hope that helps, but please let us know if you’re still experiencing issues.

Kind regards,

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Hi Katie,

I’m using Make to create my intergration. I appreciate this platform is not within your control but wonder if I’m using the wrong credentials or I’ve missed out a step somewhere I can’t see.

Anyway, if you’re aware of how that works, I’ve got one of their ‘get a contact’ modules which starts by asking you to create a connnection. This requires the OAuth ID and Secret.

I’ve got my credentials from the FreeAgent developer dashboard and by following the Make tutorial for FreeAgent have entered credentials and pressed Save.

(This is the Make - FreeAgent tutorial I’ve entered the URI as specified in the tutorial to generate my OAuth IDs and SECRET keys.)

When I come to create the connection - as shown, this then requests authorisation with the OAuth login…

This is the point where I struggle. I’ve put in my log in details (as I use for my FreeAgent developer account and cannot get beyond this page. Despite knowing (and checking/and changing) passwords multiple times I cannot get the OAuth login screen to accept my login details. It just says they’re wrong.

I have no idea what’s not working here. Your help would be appreciated.



Hi again…

So I’ve just tried in Oauth playground and I get the following error:

As per my last reply, I’m using the following URI taken from the tutorial:

These are registered in the app dashboard before trying to authorise it in google oauth sandbox.

You’ll need to register the google oauth sandbox redirect URI in your app to use the sandbox with it.

The other gotcha is if you use a refresh token it is only valid for use with the redirect uri that it was initially created with.