Hi folks,
Do you have any plans to add the ability for (admin) users to create API keys in the UI and then allow them to be used by apps, to avoid the need for an OAuth redirect in the middle of console apps etc?
I’m (having to) rewrite the Sumup/Goodtill integration because the “official” one is fundamentally faulty (it posts the wrong amounts every day - their suggested workaround is to delete the payment it’s posted, edit the invoice it posted to the right amount, then re-add a payment), and because I want POS fee information captured which it misses entirely. Both SumUp and Goodtill (and most other systems) provide a mechanism to issue an API key in the UI and then use that as the bearer token, but not FreeAgent. It makes for a much more complex workflow, and a more complex bit of code, if the user (in this case me, but I had intended to make this available free once it’s done) has to jump out to an OAuth authorisation somewhere in the middle.
Hoping you’re going to say “it’s on our list and we’ve been working on it, should be done next sprint”!