Access token not recognised

When trying to import a Trial Balance from FA to Capium Accounting software, the accountant was presented with the ‘Access token not recognised’ message. Any suggestions as to why this happened and how we can quickly resolve?

Many thanks!

Hi, Capium.

Do you get that error any other time? Are you using a practice-enabled token? Are they able to authenticate normally?

We have no immediate answer for that as there are a lot of different variables and conditions in play.

Hi Pat,

We only get that error when importing the trial balance from FA to Capium, we are using a practice-enabled token and they are able to authenticate normally.

Additionally, we use a Refresh tokens and we have the Accountancy Practice API enabled.

Let me know if you need further details.


Interesting. Can you tell me the url you’re hitting and I’ll check it out.

Hi Pat,

Sorry for the late response, please clarify what you mean by the url we’re hitting.



The path of the api endpoint you’re having trouble with and any parameters you’re passing in.

Hi Pat,

Below are some details requested;

We are passing the from and to dates as; YYYY-MM-DD format
HTTP method: GET
Headers are – x-sub-domain, accept, authorisation

Hi there,

Thanks for getting back to us. In order to determine what might be causing the ‘Access token not recognised’ error, we’d like to be able to track down the problematic requests in our application logs to see if we can spot the problem. Based on the details provided so far, I’m afraid I haven’t been able to find any recent unsuccessful requests from Capium to our Trial Balance endpoint. Could you let me know:

a) the specific URI you’re hitting? E.g.
b) Timestamps of the problematic requests (in UTC)
c) Which environment are you querying? (production or sandbox)?
d) Could I also confirm that the exact name of your app as registered in in Dev Dashboard is Capium?

