500 errors updating explanations with attachments


For a few months I have been seeing sporadic HTTP 500 responses from the API when I try to upload an attachment to an explanation.

The code is run in a background job and for years it’s been fine; I don’t know why it’s started playing up. I can’t seem to reproduce it in the Rails console when I call the code myself with the same explanation and attachment that triggered a 500 in a background job.

Is there anything you can suggest to help me get to the bottom of this please? I can provide timestamps and request details and so on.

Many thanks!

Andrew Stewart

I should clarify that the file always gets successfully attached to the explanation. It’s just that the response is a 500 error from time to time.

Hey Andrew, I’m one of the engineers at FreeAgent.

I think that would helpful, so I can look at some of our logs. Would you be willing to provide your company subdomain as well?


Hi George,

I have sent you a private message.

Thank you!