PHP - Creating an Invoice (Internal Server Error)

HI All

We are migrating from freshbooks to Freeagent, and need to migrate a load
of invoices.

So I have written some php to get all the invoices required to be moved
over, which is working fine.
For freeagent im using the code seen

The code for the attempt to save a invoice into freeagent is here…

$fa_invoices_create = $fa_client->fetch(
$base_url . ‘/invoices’, //API path
$invoiceInfo, //request parameters
array(‘User-Agent’ => ‘Example app’) //API requires UA header

$invoiceInfo is an array which has data such as this in it (print_r output)

Enter code here…

[reference] => 0000868
[status] => Draft
[contact] =>
=> 2014-10-29 00:00:00
[payment_terms_in_days] => 30
[invoice_items] => Array
[description] => Imported Invoice From Freshbooks
[item_type] => Services
[price] => 360.00
[quantity] => 1.0

[price] => 360.00
[description] => Imported Invoice From Freshbooks


And the response from freeagent to that request is…

[result] => 500 Internal Server ErrorIf you are the administrator of this website, then please read this web application’s log file and/or the web server’s log file to find out what went wrong.
[code] => 500
[content_type] => text/html; charset=utf-8

Can anyone point me an direction to help with this? Really appreciated

BTW I will be making this migration script open source for all Freshbookers to use once its up and running.

Hi Matt,

The issue here is that you’re trying to directly assign a status value,
when statuses must be set using state transitions. From the docs

An invoice is always created with a status of Draft. You must use the

status transitions to mark an invoice as Draft, Sent, Scheduled or Cancelled

In other words, this is a two-step process — once you have created the
invoice, you must then issue a request to move it to the sent state by “marking
it as sent”:


Hope this helps!

-JOn Wednesday, 29 October 2014 19:22:52 UTC, Matt Hiscock wrote:

HI All

We are migrating from freshbooks to Freeagent, and need to migrate a load
of invoices.

So I have written some php to get all the invoices required to be moved
over, which is working fine.
For freeagent im using the code seen here:
Using the FreeAgent API with PHP and OAuth2 :: Outlandish

The code for the attempt to save a invoice into freeagent is here…

$fa_invoices_create = $fa_client->fetch(
$base_url . ‘/invoices’, //API path
$invoiceInfo, //request parameters
array(‘User-Agent’ => ‘Example app’) //API requires UA header

$invoiceInfo is an array which has data such as this in it (print_r output)

Enter code here…

[reference] => 0000868
[status] => Draft
[contact] =>
[dated_on] => 2014-10-29 00:00:00
[payment_terms_in_days] => 30
[invoice_items] => Array
[description] => Imported Invoice From Freshbooks
[item_type] => Services
[price] => 360.00
[quantity] => 1.0

[price] => 360.00
[description] => Imported Invoice From Freshbooks


And the response from freeagent to that request is…

[result] => 500 Internal Server ErrorIf you are the administrator of this website, then please read this web application’s log file and/or the web server’s log file to find out what went wrong.
[code] => 500
[content_type] => text/html; charset=utf-8

Can anyone point me an direction to help with this? Really appreciated

BTW I will be making this migration script open source for all Freshbookers to use once its up and running.