Developer Sandbox Oauth Authentication Failure

I have created a sandbox account, and am attempting to authenticate by following the instructions here:

When I click on Authorize APIs within the Google Oauth 2.0 Playground, I get redirected to

When I enter my sandbox login and password, i am informed that:

The email and password you entered were incorrect

However I am entering the details associated with my SandBox account, and which I have confirmed and am able to login with to

Is anyone able to advise what the issue is here?

Name of Sandbox App: Test Paymo Integration

Hi Dan,

The credentials used to access are for your FreeAgent Developer Dashboard account, where you manage your registered applications. This is a distinct platform from any sandbox accounts you’ve created.

Searching by your email, it doesn’t look like you’ve actually signed up for a sandbox account. You can create a free sandbox account here:

There’s more information about these steps in our Quick Start > Setup Instruction documentation :thumbsup:

I hope this helps.
Dave J

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